Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life Extreme

Life extreme is full of thought provoking quotes, and at times, some stomach curdling photos. This book, easily read in one sitting, was both interesting and disturbing. The book begins with a photo of a square watermelon, coupled with a quote questioning the correlation of possibilities and existence. The book starts off warping our ideas of "the norm" turing our traditional round watermelon to a shape which we do not correlate with this fruit, and only continue to challenge us more and more from there. This book forces us to blend ideas and events that are foreign to us, to human kind. It challenges us to correlate once believed separate instances and almost to find normalcy in these events. But the question for me, is whether to accept these mutations. Are we allowed to play god and "lesser" beings and at times for not productive purpose, but just to answer if we can. I cannot deny the presence and usefulness of technology in my life, but can I choose the extent? Will this trend of defying what is natural continue exponentially? It is these states of simplicity that I believe keep us humble. It is nature that brings mankind back to their base state-a realization humans need in my opinion to stay sane. But again, this is my opinion and who can define nature. The definition of words has been a much debated subject in the class, and I find it is only general belief that can define a word so far, but that meanings are only found in oneself. This book defies the meaning of humans role on earth. Do we exist to see how far our genius' can take us-cloning animals, changing genetic codes. Or to use our genius for entertainment-white tigers and green bunnies. Although there is amazement in our advances in technology, I wonder where these advances will take us. And where will they bring our surrounding life to. How safe is it to play with evolution?